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DOI: 10.46793/EEE23-2
[1-9] Boban PAVLOVIĆ, Osnaživanje energetske tranzicije u sektoru domaćinstva u Srbiji: Integrativni pristup / Strengthening the Energy Transition in the Household Sector in Serbia: An Integrative Approach (doi:10.46793/EEE23-2.01P)
[10-15] Miroslav PAROVIĆ, Uticaj novih energetskih tehnologija na nivo energetske pravde / The Impact of New Energy Technologies on the Level of Energy Justice (doi:10.46793/EEE23-2.10P)
[16-21] Nikola RAJAKOVIĆ, Bojan IVANOVIĆ, Ilija BATAS BJELIĆ, Tomislav RAJIĆ, Sprega simulacionog planerskog alata sa alatom za proračun tokova snaga: Studija slučaja Republike Srbije / Coupling of the Simulation Planning and Power Flow Calculation Tools: Case Study of the Republic of Serbia (doi:10.46793/EEE23-2.16R)
[22-28] Jelena NIKOLIĆ, Dušan GORDIĆ, Vladimir VUKAŠINOVIĆ, Mladen JOSIJEVIĆ, Dubravka ŽIVKOVIĆ, Planiranje energetske budućnosti grada: SWOT analiza – Studija slučaja grada Kragujevca / Planning the Energy Future of the City: SWOT Analysis – Case Study of the City of Kragujevac (doi:10.46793/EEE23-2.22N)
[29-35] Andrija AVRAMOVIĆ, Analiza energetske efikasnosti i indikatori održivosti naftne industrije u Srbiji / Analysis of Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Indicators of the Petroleum Industry in Serbia (doi:10.46793/EEE23-2.29A)
[36-43] Marko S. ĐUROVIĆ, Željko V. DESPOTOVIĆ, Predlog rešenja dvo-osnog mobilnog solarnog tragača sa mogućnošću akumuliranja energije / Solution Proposal for a Two-Axis Mobile Solar Tracker with the Possibility of Accumulating Energy (doi:10.46793/EEE23-2.36D)
[44-50] Aleksandar MADŽAREVIĆ, Predrag JOVANČIĆ, Stevan ĐENADIĆ, Filip MILETIĆ, Miroslav CRNOGORAC, Proizvodnja električne energije iz elektrana na ugalј i prateća emisija CO2: komparacija EU-27 i Srbije / Production of Electricity from Coal-Fired Power Plants and Accompanying CO2 Emissions: Comparison of EU-27 and Serbia (doi:10.46793/EEE23-2.44V)
[51-56] Ivan VUJOVIĆ, Zoran STOJANOVIĆ, Željko ĐURIŠIĆ, Predlog povezivanja velikih Data Centara i pripadajućih objekata za proizvodnju električne energije u elektroenergetski sistem / A Proposal to Connect Large Data Centers and Associated Power Plants in the Power System (doi:10.46793/EEE23-2.51V)
[57-67] Dunja GRUJIĆ, Miloš KUZMAN, Željko ĐURIŠIĆ, Novi model obračuna električne energije kupaca-proizvođača / New Model of Calculating Electricity of Prosumers (doi:10.46793/EEE23-2.57G)
[68-77] Željko V. DESPOTOVIĆ, Dejan ĐOKIĆ, Boris ILIĆ, Dragan MILISAVLJEVIĆ, Realizacija postrojenja za detekciju i izdvajanje metala na transportnoj traci na dopremi uglja u TE „Kostolac“ / Realization of the Plant for Detection and Separation of Tramp Metal on the Conveyor Belt for the Delivery of Coal to TPP „Kostolac“ (doi:10.46793/EEE23-2.68D)