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DOI: 10.46793/EEE23-1
[1-9] Nihad HODŽIĆ, Kenan KADIĆ, Anes Kazagić, Sustainable Energy Sector Using Waste Woody Biomass and Miscanthus in the Energy Transition /Primjenom otpadne drvne biomase i Miscanthusa do održivog sektora termoenergetike u vremenu energetske tranzicije / (doi:10.46793/EEE23-1.01H)
[10-16] Filip NASTIĆ, Dušan GORDIĆ, Davor KONČALOVIĆ, Vladimir VUKAŠINOVIĆ, Jelena NIKOLIĆ, Nebojša JURIŠEVIĆ, Water and Electricity Consumption and Carbon Footprint of Washing Machines / Potrošnja vode, električne energije i ugljenični otisak veš mašina (doi:10.46793/EEE23-1.10N)
[17-23] Dejan IVEZIĆ, Marija ŽIVKOVIĆ, Industrial Waste Heat Potential for Meeting Heat Demand in the Republic of Serbia / Potencijal industrijske otpadne toplote za zadovoljenje toplotnih potreba u Republici Srbiji (doi: 10.46793/EEE23-1.17I)
[24-34] Branko STOJANOVIĆ, Tomislav RAJIĆ, Darko ŠOŠIĆ, Rekonfiguracija i otočna kompenzacija u prisustvu distribuiranih izvora u razgranatoj distributivnoj mreži / Distribution Network Reconfiguration and Capacitor Switching in the Presence of Distributed Resources in Large Scale Distribution System (doi:10.46793/EEE23-1.24S)
[35-39] Aleksandar NEŠOVIĆ, Danijela NIKOLIĆ, Nebojša LUKIĆ, Energo koncept Yaodong podzemnih zgrada u XXI veku na teritoriji Srbije / Energy Concept of Yaodong Underground Buildings in the XXI Century on the Territory of Serbia (doi:10.46793/EEE23-1.35N)
[40-50] Miloš KUZMAN, Dunja GRUJIĆ, Uloga zajednica obnovljivih izvora energije u energetskoj tranziciji / The Role of Communities of Renewable Energy Sources in the Energy Transition (doi:10.46793/EEE23-1.40K)
[51-58] Aleksandar MIRKOVIĆ, Marija ŽIVKOVIĆ, Stevan ĐENADIĆ, Darja LUBARDA, Chinedu ANYANWA, Integrative GHG Assessment in Oil and Gas Industry / Određivanje emisije gasova staklene bašte u industriji nafte i gasa (doi:10.46793/EEE23-1.51M)
[59-66] Željko V. DESPOTOVIĆ, Ilija R.STEVANOVIĆ, Jovan ŠUMARAC Daljinski nadzor i kontrola hibridnog postrojenja za navodnjavanje useva na poljoprivrednoj parceli u mestu Belegiš / Remote Monitoring and Control of a Hybrid Power Plant for Irrigation of Crops on an Agricultural Plot in the Town of Belegiš (doi:10.46793/EEE23-1.59D)
[67-73] Nikola STANKOVIĆ, Analiza uticaja buke u fazi izgradnje i eksploatacije parka vetroelektrana na lokalitetu Kostolca / Analysis of the Impact of Noise during the Construction and Exploitation Phase of the Wind Farm Park in Kostolac (doi:10.46793/EEE23-1.67S)
[74-80] Rastislav KRAGIĆ, Biljana LOVČEVIĆ-KURELJUŠIĆ, Valentina ARAMBAŠIĆ, Željko BLITVA, Nenad V. PAVLOVIĆ, Iskustva iz izgradnje solarnih fotonaponskih elektrana na stanicama za snabdevanje gorivom u svojstvu kupca-proizvođača / Experiences in the Construction of Solar Photovoltaic Power Plants Mounted at Fuel Supply Stations as a Prosumer (doi:10.46793/EEE23-1.74K)