Perceived stress, cyber and psychological resilience among Polish students – preliminary results

9th International Scientific Conference Technics and Informatics in Education – TIE 2022 (2022) стр. 438-442

АУТОР(И): Aleksandra Błachnio, Kamila Litwic-Kaminska, Izabela Kapsa, Jakub Kopowski, Łukasz Brzeziński

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DOI: 10.46793/TIE22.438B


One of the many efforts by governments to decrease disease during COVID-19 pandemic was reducing social contact and distance learning. In the long run, these decisions had ramifications beyond the risk of contracting the virus. Young people studying at universities have been deprived of contacts with their peers and forced to efficiently use technology for the purpose of acquiring knowledge. It required the ability to maintain or regain mental health despite experiencing difficulties that is called “resilience”. The main aim of this paper is to present the results of quantitative analysis of the perceived stress, cyber and psychological resilience of Polish students. The analyses show that majority of students use digital devices in an informed and safe manner while most of them presented high levels of stress and rather low or medium resilience, which may raise questions about the positive adaptation of students to remote learning and coping with pandemic situations in general.


cyber resilience; perceived stress; psychological resilience; students; Poland


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