2nd International Symposium On Biotechnology (2024), [337-345]
AUTHOR(S) / AUTOR(I): Radoslava Savić Radovanović, Milijana Sinđić, Jelena Aleksić Radojković, Slobodanka Janićijević
E-MAIL: mimica@vet.bg.ac.rs
DOI: 10.46793/SBT29.44RSR
Total of 40 samples of food of animal origin were analyzed during monitoring in 2023. Out of 40 samples in 3 (7.5%) ice cream samples was dectected presence od Enterobacteriacae. All 30 samples of sandwiches and sushi examined for the presence of Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonellae spp. were negative. It can be concluded that food of animal origin in Belgrade restaurants was safe for consumption, except 3 (7.5%) samples of ice cream who were not satisfactory to hygiene criteria.
food of animal origin, sandwiches, sushi, ice cream, safety
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