Традиција, кривично и међународно кривично право (2024) (стр. 329-345)
AUTHOR(S) / АУТОР(И): Redion Luli
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DOI: 10.46793/TKMKP24.329L
Air terrorism and the use of force against civil aircraft-intruders: international legal aspects This scientific article is devoted to a comprehensive study of in- ternational legal problems of combating acts of unlawful use of civil aircrafts. This paper is focused on the problems that the world commu- nity faces in regulating the procedures for taking coercive measures against violating aircraft, the law-making experience of individual states is studied in order to use it to fill in the existing gaps in inter- national law in this area. The urgency of this problem is associated with the emergence of a new global threat from terrorist organizations, expressed in the use of civil aircraft as weapons for the destruction of objects on the territory of states and for people extermination. The necessity of adopting universal international legal norms governing the actions of states to prevent and suppress acts of inappropriate use of civil aircraft is proved. The author has developed some proposals regarding the adoption of new international legal norms that esta- blish specific grounds and procedures for the use of force (weapons and military equipment) for the timely suppression of acts of misuse of civil aviation.
misuse of civil aviation, international air law, use of force against aircraft-intruder.
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