46th International Congress for the History of Pharmacy (2024) (str. 85-88)
AUTOR / AUTHOR(S): Morimoto Kazushige
DOI: 10.46793/ISHP46.085K
From 1947 to 1970, ethics education depended on the philosophy of each university. In 1992, partial amendment of the Medical Service Act (Iryou Hou) brought a big change to the role of pharmacist. In the same year, the FIP statement of the professional standards : codes of ethics for pharmacist was adopted1). In 2002, a core curriculum for pharmaceutical was completed by the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan. The main reason for the above revision was to recognize the preciousness of life and to learn the importance of ethics in medicine through various issues that may arise between the birth and death of a human being. In 2006, a six year pharmacy education system started1),.as shown in Table 1, entitled ‘Postwar History of Pharmacy and Ethics Education in Japan’.
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