AUTOR / AUTHOR(S): Irena Medar-Tanjga , Neda Živak 

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DOI: 10.46793/CSGE5.371IMT


The study examines the preservation of the cultural heritage of the Republic of Srpska and its significance for the cultural identity of the region and its community. Cultural heritage serves as a testimony to the past and plays a crucial role in shaping the present and future of society. The study outlines the historical development of the protection system, beginning with the socialist Yugoslav period, during which the first institutions were established and legal frameworks for the systematic protection of cultural heritage were created. The foundations laid during this period remain of key importance today.

Contemporary challenges in protecting the cultural heritage of the Republic of Srpska arise from the complexity of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s administrative structure, which is divided into two entities (Republic of Srpska and Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina) and the Brčko District. This division results in fragmented responsibilities and overlapping jurisdictions across various levels of government, complicating the coordination and implementation of heritage protection laws.

The academic community also plays a significant role through its contributions to research, documentation, and the protection of cultural heritage. Furthermore, the analysis provides an overview of development strategies for cultural heritage and spatial planning documentation, which are crucial for preserving heritage. The study comprehensively reviews the current preservation conditions and presents recommendations for improving the protection system. It emphasizes the need for better institutional coordination and more effective legal enforcement to ensure the proper protection and preservation of the cultural values of the Republic of Srpska, which form the foundation of its identity code for future generations.


Republic of Srpska; cultural heritage; protection system; academic approach; planning and strategic perspective


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