АУТОР / AUTHOR(S): Shaohong Wu 
DOI: 10.46793/CSGE5.06SW
Climate change is a common challenge for all humanity. Research on understanding the patterns of climate change and identifying its impacts is crucial for adapting to and mitigating climate change, as well as for developing appropriate policy measures to address it. The Chinese government places great importance on scientific research related to climate change. Since 2007, China has released four national climate change assessment reports and two national strategies for adapting to climate change. China has also launched special scientific and technological innovation plans related to climate change, including projects under the national science and technology programs in the field of social development, the National Natural Science Foundation projects, and key research and development projects. A comprehensive deployment of scientific work to adapt to climate change has been carried out, continuously conducting fundamental scientific research on climate change to support subsequent project funding. This has led to the establishment of China’s technical system for assessing the impacts and risks of climate change. These efforts provide scientific support for raising public awareness of climate change, enhancing international scientific cooperation, and laying the foundation for building a fair, reasonable, and cooperative global climate governance system that benefits all parties.
climate change; adaptation; research; project