Липар 83 (2024) (стр. 9-23)

АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): Јасмина С. Ћирић

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DOI: 10.46793/LIPAR83.009C


The apse of St. Demetrios Church in Markova Sušica stands as a profound testament to the intricate interplay of symbolism within the 14th century Serbian architecture. The analysis delves into the specific brickwork patterns, decoding their symbolic meaning. Drawing from the Christian symbolism and theological insights from St. Gregory of Nyssa and St. Basil the Great, the article explores the use of geometric patterns to elevate the mind toward divine contemplation. The article also integrates these symbols into the broader theological context, referencing the Еconomy of Salvation and iconographic representations within the apse. Thus, it is concluded that the apse of St. Demetrios Church emerges as a powerful embodiment of the divine principle, intricately connected to the sacred landscape of Matka. Its rounded form, reminiscent of a womb, symbolizes the nurturing embrace of the Mother of God. The interplay of colors and symbols invites the faithful on a spiritual journey guided by the divine feminine principle, providing a comprehensive exploration of the architectural and symbolic aspects of this medieval Serbian masterpiece.


St. Demetrios church (Mark’s monastery), medieval architecture, the apse, brickwork patterns, sacred narrative, rhombus pattern, architectural symbolism


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