Chemical composition and biological activities of „Umbilicaria crustulosa“ and „Umbilicaria cylindrica“ extracts

Chemia Naissensis Volume 2, No.2 (2019) (стр. 30-45) 

АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): Zlatanović Ivana, Stojanović Gordana


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DOI: 10.46793/ChemN2.2.030Z


The main compounds of acetone, methanol, ether and ethyl acetate extracts of Umbilicaria crustulosa are tridepsides, gyrophoric acid and crustinic acid, and didepside, lecanoric acid. Chemical composition of Umbilicaria cylindrica extracts depends on the solvent used for the extraction and the major components are depsidones, salazinic acid and norstictic acid or depsides, gyrophoric acid and atranorin. Extracts of U. crustulosa and U. cylindrica have shown antibacterial, antioxidant, cytotoxic, antiproliferative and anticlastogenic activity. Acetone extracts of U. crustulosa and U. cylindrica are promising candidates for in vivo experiments considering antioxidant and anticlastogenic activity.


Umbilicaria crustulosa, Umbilicaria cylindrica, antioxidant activity, antimicrobial activity, cytotoxic activity, micronucleus test, cholinesterase inhibition


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