The Use of M-Learning in Teaching Methods Courses at Faculties of Education

10th International Scientific Conference Technics, Informatics and Education – TIE 2024, str. 357-363

АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): Mirjana Čutović , Marina Semiz , Nenad Stevanović  

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DOI: 10.46793/TIE24.357C


The paper presents the results of the research conducted with the aim of investigating the university students’ attitudes towards the use of m-learning in teaching methods courses. The theoretical background of the research study includes previous knowledge of the importance and use of m-learning in professional application courses at faculties. The sample comprised 161 final-year students of undergraduate and master’s studies from the faculties of education from 4 universities in Serbia. The survey technique was used for data collection, and a research instrument – A Questionnaire with the Assessment Scale – was specifically designed for the purposes of this research study. The research results indicate that within the Primary School Teacher study programme m-learning is most frequently used in Teaching Methods of the Serbian Language and Literature, Teaching Methods of Mathematics, and Teaching Methods of Nature and Society, while the students of the Preschool Teacher study programme use m-learning most frequently in Teaching Methods of Environmental Studies, Teaching Methods of Speech Development, and Teaching Methods of Developing Initial Mathematical Concepts. The research results imply that it is necessary to shift the focus from lesson planning onto the practical implementation of lessons and activities in teaching methods courses.


primary school teacher; preschool teacher; professional application courses; mobile devices; faculties of education


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