10th International Scientific Conference Technics, Informatics and Education – TIE 2024, str. 239-248
AUTOR(I) / AUTHOR(S): Veljko Aleksić 
DOI: 10.46793/TIE24.239A
The integration of artificial intelligence concepts into digital games design has revolutionized the gaming industry. Among other elements, artificial intelligence significantly influenced modern gameplay mechanics, elevated player experiences, and streamlined game development processes. Road traffic safety driving simulation games are an emerging educational tool aimed at improving road safety awareness and skills among drivers. A critical component of these games is the AI-driven Non-Playable Characters (e.g., NPCs) that expand dynamic and immersive gameplay experience by exhibiting various realistic road users’ behavior patterns, traffic conditions and player actions adaptation. The adaptive AI algorithms ensure balanced difficulty, catering to gamers’ diverse driving skill levels, while procedural content generation opened endless possibilities in designing game levels, environments, and tasks, enhancing game replayability and longevity. AI-powered virtual assistants can provide players with seamless in-game guidance, enhancing their engagement without disrupting the gameplay flow. Additionally, adaptable intelligent road traffic conditions can challenge players to strategize and adapt, contributing to more compelling and immersive gaming experiences. Contemporary software tools and engines streamlined game development processes and accelerated asset creation, bug detection, and playtesting. Automated game design processes, such as AI-driven level and procedural generation, expedited prototyping and iteration phases, while AI-driven analytics tools offered valuable insights into player behavior and preferences, enabling developers to optimize game mechanics and its content for maximum impact. The impact of artificial influence concepts on digital game design is poised to grow even further, promising exciting innovations and possibilities for future game designers and enthusiasts alike.
digital games; traffic safety; artificial intelligence; NPCs
This study was supported by the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia, and these results are parts of the Grant No. 451-03-66/2024-03/200132 with University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Technical Sciences Čačak.
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