Usluge i vladavina prava (2021), str. 171-186

AUTOR(I): Milena Galetin, Viktoria Čišmadiane


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DOI: 10.46793/UVP21.171G


The importance of foreign investment for both foreign investors and host states (i.e. the economic development of the country receiving capital) is without question. Among the motives for cross-border movement of capital are profit making, entering new markets and cheaper production1. In that sense foreign investments are suitable tools which allow companies to expand their cross-border operations and possibility to become key economic players, locally and globally. The authors deal with the impact of foreign investment on local companies/local producers in Veszprém County and the Balaton Region. The research aims to explore their attitude – advantages and obstacles they encounter due to the existence of foreign companies. There was a requirement to analyze investment disputes in which Hungary is a party, scrutinizing socio-legal aspects of foreign investment. This research consists of four parts. After the introduction, the results of the survey are shown in the second part and investment disputes in the third part. Although the survey was done just before the COVID 19 outbreak, in some parts of the paper it was necessary to address certain issues in this context. The combination of theoretical analysis and empirical research that is characteristic of social sciences is used. Finally, in the last part, concluding remarks along with recommendations are presented.


foreign investment, local economy, impact of multinational/foreign companies, investment disputes


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