XIII Međunarodno naučno-stručno savetovanje Ocena stanja, održavanje i sanacija građevinskih objekata (str. 146-153)
AUTOR(I) / AUTHOR(S): Slobodan Ognjenović,
Riste Ristov,
Zlatko Zafirovski,
Vasko Gacevski,
Ivona Nedevska Trajkova 
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DOI: 10.46793/SGISXIII.14SO
Considering the relatively good condition of the non-urban road network in Republic of North Macedonia on the one hand, and the level of damage of the pavements on the other hand, there is an emerging necessity to invest considerable financial amounts on their maintenance. The pavement rehabilitation is a measure of the maintenance level intended to eliminate all damages of the pavements incurred in time and under the influence of traffic and climate, as well as to adjust the bearing capacity of the pavement on the increasing traffic load. Therefore, it is especially important to correctly plan and carry out these activities
Rehabilitation, maintenance, management, basic design, preliminary design, concept study, non-urban roads
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