AUTHOR(S) / AUTOR(I): Vesna Stepić, Gorica Cvijanović, Marija Bajagić, Nenad Đurić Vojin Đukić, Zlatica Mamlić, Gordana Dozet
DOI: 10.46793/SBT29.07VS
The aim of the research was to determine the impact of the EM Aktiv preparation in the maize crop (ZP 427 and ZP 548) at 160, 120, 102 kg ha-1 N in 2017 at the location of the municipality of Vladimirovci. During the growing season, there was a pronounced water deficit. The preparation was applied in three variants: EM1 – control, EM2 – foliar 2 x 6 l ha-1 in the phenological stages of 5-7 leaves and after 15 days; EM3 – the preparation was introduced into the soil 7 days before sowing 30 l ha-1 + EM2. The mass of 1000 grains, the height of the yield and the nitrogen content in the grain were determined. Application of 160 kg ha-1 nitrogen had the greatest effect on the weight of 1000 grains, and 120 kg ha-1 The production of maize on a global level takes place in a way that affects the degradation of resources and elements of the environment, the increasing dependence on mineral fertilizers and pesticides, which leads to the production of greenhouse gases and a negative impact on climate change. Today, N on grain yield in all treatments. The treatments had a positive effect on both traits. Higher values of the tested properties were found in the EM3 treatment. The applied factors did not have a statistically significant effect onthe nitrogen content of maize grains.
hybrids, fertilization, biostimulator, yield components
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the municipality of Leskovac, on alluvium land type. In the experiment, 6 maize
hybrids of different vegetation lengths 400-600 were sown (ZP 434, NS 4023, ZP
555, NS 5051, ZP 666, NS 6030). The hybrid NS 6030 (10.248 t ha-1) had the
highest average yield in 2014, while the hybrid FAO group 400 NS 4023 (9.467 t
ha-1) had the lowest. The highest average yield in the year 2015, unfavorable for
corn production, was achieved by the hybrid FAO group 400 ZP 434 (6.938 t ha–
Sowing time is on
e of the factors that have a significant impact on the level
of corn yield (Glamočlija and Ugreno
vić, 2016; Biberdzić et al., 201 ; Stojiljković,
2022). The optimal sowing period hich could be defined as the sowing time,
ensures the sprouting of corn at the most favorable moment, to make use of the
), and the smallest yield by hybrid FAO group 600 NS 6030 (4.980 t ha-1). In
2015, being that the average temperatures were warmer than in 2014, and it had
fewer amounts and worse distribution of precipitation, late sowing had a very
bad effect on all hybrids, especially on FAO 600 hybrids.