The Offer of Short Videos Available on the Internet as Audiovisual Media Service

 Law in the process of globalisation (2018), (стр. 269-286) 

АУТОР: Sonja Lucic


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DOI: 10.46793/LawPG.269L


One of the greatest challenges that lawmakers all over the world, particularly in the European Union and its Member States face, is establishing the legal framework of turnover on the internet. Variety that has been unknown until recently and almost indefinite amount of available information, absence of state borders that could significantly limit the flow of information, the easiness of internet users’ providing any kind information to almost indefinite number of recipients, and eventually separation of virtual, digital from the real world- demand development of new legal tools that often are based on completely new grounds. Besides, that reality changes with speed that far surpasses the ability of lawmakers to respond to the changes. Applying the rules of analog world in the digital era results in a number of difficulties. Dilemmas of institutions in charge of supervision of enforcement of rights and market regulation are certainly a part of the difficulties. Thus, in this work the author will analyse the valid decision of the European Court of Justice regarding provision that is the offer of short videos available on internet, and their qualification as audiovisual media services.


Directive 2010/13; audiovisual media service; internet; videos; television broadcasting.


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