Свети краљ Милутин и његово доба: историја, књижевност, уметност (2023) (стр. 465-488)
АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): Jasmina S. Ćirić
DOI: 10.46793/6008-065-5.465C
This article explores the King’s Church of Studenica, and its connections to the Byzantine Chora Church in Constantinople. By examining the architectural and artistic elements of the King’s Church, the article argues that King Stefan Uroš II Milutin sought to create a choral experience for the viewer, immersing them in a world of divine beauty and transcendence. Through the use of art and architecture, King Milutin sought to establish his strong cultural and political identity and assure the viewer of his divinity, elevating the prestige of the Serbian Land and its monarch in the eyes of both local and foreign visitors.
Byzantine architecture, Serbian medieval architecture, King Stefan Uroš II Milutin, Studenica monastery, King’s church, Chora church, architectural influences, Χώρα
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