XIV International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection – IIZS 2024, str. 108-113
АУТОР / AUTHOR(S): Murat Ispir
, Muharrem Hilmi Aksoy 
DOI: 10.46793/IIZS24.108I
The field of biomimetics aims to develop innovative technical and engineering solutions by replicating systems, structures, and functions found in nature. Research in this domain focuses on the highly efficient and sustainable systems found in living organisms created by God over millions of years, seeking novel approaches to address human challenges. A key area within biomimetics is fluid mechanics, which explores how living organisms interact with fluid environments to inspire creative and efficient technological advancements. The multidisciplinary goal of these efforts is to design hydrodynamic and aerodynamic systems influenced by nature’s mastery of fluid dynamics. Examples include the microstructure of shark skin, which reduces friction and enables swift and silent movement; the aerodynamic capabilities of birds and insects, which have influenced the design of aircraft wings and wind turbines; and the aquatic locomotion of fish and marine mammals, which has inspired the development of low-drag surfaces and efficient propulsion systems. In conclusion, the synergy between biomimetics and fluid mechanics contributes to the creation of more sustainable, energy-efficient fluid systems, construction materials, and transportation technologies.
biomimetic, fluid mechanics, nature-inspired
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