XIV International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection – IIZS 2024, str. 71-76
АУТОР / AUTHOR(S): Srđan Kovačević
, Nikolina Tošić
, David Mitrinović
, Marko Muhadinović
, Galina Ilinykin, Natalia Sliusar 
DOI: 10.46793/IIZS24.071K
This work presents a review of mechanical centrifugation and pyrolysis, two prominent techniques used for the efficient management of oil refinery sludge. The petrochemical industry produces large quantities of hazardous oily sludge, which demands complex and costly treatment methods due to its diverse composition. However, a major component of this sludge is crude oil, which holds significant recycling potential. As a result, various technologies, including combined processes, have been developed to recover crude oil from sludge. This study evaluates the effectiveness of combining mechanical centrifugation and pyrolysis, specifically focusing on their oil recovery capabilities. The primary objective is to explore the development of these recycling technologies while summarizing and comparing their mechanisms, advantages, and limitations.
Oil sludge, centrifugation, pyrolysis, recycling
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