XIV International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection – IIZS 2024, str. 12-21
АУТОР / AUTHOR(S): Marija Perović 
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DOI: 10.46793/IIZS24.012P
Freshwater pollution poses a significant global challenge, largely driven by the continuous release of synthetic organic substances into the environment. This persistent contamination underscores the urgent need for a thorough understanding of the chemical status of Earth’s surface waters. Even trace amounts (ng/L; μg/L) of these substances, known as micropollutants, can accumulate in aquatic ecosystems, posing risks to both biodiversity and human health. This research examines key water quality parameters of the Danube River in Serbia, focusing on the prevalence of micropollutants within a river basin that spans 92% of the country’s land area and 10% of the entire Danube basin. It also provides an overview of existing regulatory frameworks that set limit values for these contaminants. By reviewing official data on hazardous substances and other pollutants concentration, the study provides valuable insights into water quality challenges and offers guidance for future management strategies aimed at addressing micropollutants.
Danube, micropollutants, hazardous substances
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