Детињство 4 (2024) (стр. 44-54)
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DOI: 10.46793/Childhood24.4.44V
This paper analyses contemporary puppet theatre adaptations of selected Hans Christian Andersen stories. It aims to explore the connection between Andersen’s stories and the puppet theatre, as well as the characteristics of some of these shows to answer the question: what makes the analyzed stories work on the puppet stage? Results of the analysis have shown the connection between the selected stories and puppet theatre in terms of bringing the inanimate to life as a characteristic inherent to puppet theatre, and in the shift to the unreal as a key feature of fantasy stories, which in puppet shows is achieved through the animation of puppets or the interplay between actors and puppets. The anthropomorphization of animal characters in Andersen’s stories is realized by animating the dolls, which aligns with the fact that the magical aspects of these stories can be brought to life with the expressive tools of puppet theatre.
Hans Christian Andersen, story, fairytale, puppet theatre, animation
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