Узданица XIX (Ванредни број) (2022), (стр. 221-238)

АУТОР(И): Ivana M. Milić, Jelena M. Mladenović


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DOI: 10.46793/Uzdanica19.S.221M


In this paper, innovative procedures in working with students, applying the STEAM approach, and the possibilities of improving the quality of university education are reviewed from a theoretical perspective. The modernization of university teaching implies following global trends, with the primary goal being the formation of versatile, competent students who will be able to respond to the modern demands of society and participate in the exchange of information related to current scientific achievements while constantly strengthening their own capacities. During university education, it is necessary for students to develop their potential and competencies, have positive attitudes towards their future in the educational profession, and understand the importance of their teacher role when choosing an approach to educational work in kindergarten.

The competence of the preschool teacher, as well as students, is reflected in the implementation of activities, activation of children’s potential, enrichment of children’s experiences, encouragement of creativity, and close exposure to phenomena and processes in the fields of science and art. Therefore, it is important to familiarize students with innovative approaches to educational work in kindergarten because they will be able to transform and properly apply the acquired knowledge later in their future work in order to ensure the holistic development of children.

The paper presents an example of an activity that integrates the contents of the subjects of mathematics, natural sciences, and music, with the aim of highlighting the possibilities of improving university teaching through different approaches. Presented examples can be applied during the education of students (future teachers), which would strengthen their competences for working with children of preschool age.


rhythm, botany, mathematical relations, STEAM approach, students pre- school teachers.


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