Scientific Publications Of The State University Of Novi Pazar 1 (2015)

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Authors: Aleksandrov Yu A., Aleksandrova E.B., Zhabkoa A.P.
Keywords: complex systems; delay; asymptotic stability; Lyapunov functions


Authors: Spies Marcus
Keywords: cognitive computing; knowledge processing; semantic technologies; natural language processing


Authors: Kosjakov E.A., Partalin T.A., Tikhonov A.A.
Keywords: spacecraft; gravity-gradient torque; librational motion; nonlinear differential equations; perturbation technique; nonlinear resonances


Authors: Milovanović I.Ž., Milovanović E.I., Glogić E.
Keywords: Kirchhoff index; Degree Kirchhoff index; Laplacian spectrum (of graph); normalized Laplacian spectrum (of graph)


Authors: Fetahović I., Vujisić M., Stanković K., Dolićanin E.
Keywords: semiconductor memory; radiation effects; simulation


Authors: Aranđelović Ivan D
Keywords: fixed point; Picard iterates; symmetric space


Authors: Anoop K.V., Baraik Kiran, OM Pal Singh
Keywords: burn up wave; neutron absorber; diffusive media; burnable poison; transient length; transient time; full width at half maximum