Наслеђе 59 (2024) [65-81]
АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): Saeed Safari 
DOI: 10.46793/NasKg2459.065S
Тhe error-tagged learner corpus is a significant and specialized type of learner corpora that can methodically identify learners’ errors and generate various reports and analyses to investigate the challenges and difficulties in language learning. This corpus is developed by collecting learners’ written or spoken productions and annotating the errors using an error-tag system. The reports and analyses of the corpus can be cate- gorized based on variables such as first-language background, proficiency levels, age, gender, and more. The error-tagged learner corpus can be used for theoretical and practical research analysis in linguistics, second language acquisition (SLA), and foreign language teaching (FLT). At the theoretical level, corpus reports can be used to study interlanguage and learning development. At the practical level, such analysis can help to develop need-based and specific learning materials and to select effective learning strategies and teaching methods. This paper aims to introduce and explain the process of developing an error-tagged learner corpus, structured in two sections. The first part of the paper outlines the basic principles and methodology for designing and constructing an error- tagged learner corpus. Specifically, it introduces the structural frame- work by listing design criteria and tools for constructing such a corpus. The second part presents a detailed case study of the Persian error-tagged learner corpus developed by collecting authentic written texts from Serbian Farsi learners. Based on the corpus analysis, Serbs’ most frequent errors and difficulties in learning Persian were identified, mainly related to word order, orthography, and some specific syntactic structures.
second language acquisition, error-tagged learner corpus, corpus design and criteria, error analysis, Persian learner corpus, Serbian Farsi learners
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