АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): Marija M. Glišić Dunović
DOI: 10.46793/LIPAR85.121GD
This paper delves into the profound impact of colonization on identity and place, themes that are critically examined in Joseph Boyden’s novel, The Orenda. The unique indigeneity phenomenon and the indigenous realm’s restrictions are explored in intimate narratives, inviting us to deeply reflect on the human discontinuity between past and present, displacement from the natural habitat, and fragmentation of tormented souls. The story also presents the marginality of oppressed groups and liminality marked by uncertainty that are a direct result of colonization’s influence, painting a vivid picture of the harsh realities faced by Indigenous Peoples. Boyden’s chronicle is a testament to the resilience and determination of Indigenous Peoples, who steadfastly held onto their cultural values despite the Christianization and imposed conflicts. Defence of land sovereignty is a quest for personal and national identity. Indigenous voices in this novel not only echo the past but also demonstrate the survival of Indigenous Peoples as stewards of the Earth. There is a dynamic at play. Under some circumstances, the other, a term referring to those who are different or outside the dominant group, takes the position of the self, as in Boyden’s identity crisis. We approach the analysis of power vastness from Derrida’s deconstructionist point of view, questioning the destructive effects of binary oppositions.
Orenda, identity, place, Indigenous Peoples, power
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