АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): Ivana M. Zečević
DOI: 10.46793/LIPAR85.105Z
Julian Barnes’ The Noise of Time (2016) offers a nuanced exploration of the life of Dmitri Shostakovich, the esteemed Soviet composer, within the constraints of an oppressive regime. This study examines the novel through the lens of postmodernism, with a particular focus on irony. Structurally resembling a musical concerto, with distinct movements reflecting key emotional and historical phases of Shostakovich’s career, the narrative blurs the boundaries between historical fact and literary fiction. Barnes reinvigorates the composer’s story with a deep admiration for his subject, while also engaging with broader themes of artistic expression, personal identity, and the repressive nature of the Soviet state. In this exploration, Barnes portrays Shostakovich as a figure of contrasts: both a self-confessed coward and a musical genius. His life is marked by a duality in his interactions with Power, with irony serving as a subtle form of resistance against oppression while simultaneously making pragmatic compromises to navigate the constraints of his environment. The novel emphasizes how the period of Shostakovich’s career that appears most illustrious is also the time of his deepest fears and moral dilemmas. The narrative ultimately portrays a man grappling with individual agency under authoritarian control, finding refuge in irony across all aspects of life except his music. Here, Shostakovich allows no room for irony. This just might be the reason why Barnes’ Shostakovich never laughs.
Julian Barnes, The Noise of Time, Shostakovich, Irony, Postmodernism, Contemporary British Novel
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