Традиција, кривично и међународно кривично право (2024)  (стр. 303-311)

AUTHOR(S) / АУТОР(И): Fabio Roberto D’Avila

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DOI: 10.46793/TKMKP24.303A


What is the limit of technology and artificial intelligence in the field of criminal law? Would criminal law judged by machines or a criminal science produced by them be acceptable? Part of the cri- ticism directed by the ample use of technology is focused on the objec- tions of the current state of technique or ethical-juridical matters, and not on the machine’s lack of capacity to meet the demands set by criminal law, or even, to meet those demands better than a human being. This essay focuses on this specific matter, seeking to point out the existence of boundaries and limits inherent to the machine, hence, independent to the stage of technology development. It also seeks to demonstrate the absolute indispensability of human beings in the construction and application of knowledge in criminal law.


artificial intelligence, human being, criminal law


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