Традиција, кривично и међународно кривично право (2024) (стр. 241-248)
AUTHOR(S) / АУТОР(И): Zhao Tianhong
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DOI: 10.46793/TKMKP24.241T
Over the past 40 years since the promulgation of the 1979 Criminal Law, the improvement and amendment of the econo- mic criminal law has always been one of the focuses of Chinese cri- minal law. Changes in economic crimes are always closely related to the development of a country’s economy, and Chinese society is in a period of social transition. Therefore China’s criminal law regula- tion for economic crimes has experienced a continuous development from coarse to fine, showing the characteristics of criminalization and heavy punishment in a whole, which is also in line with the interna- tional development trend of economic criminal law. Looking to the future, based on the current state of China’s economic criminal law and the social fact that the structure of crime has changed, China’s criminal law regulation for economic crimes will certainly move to- wards cautious criminalization and moderated penalties, and keep on escorting China’s stable and healthy economic development.
Economic crime; economic criminal law; historical de- velopment; digital economy; misdemeanor governance