TERRORISM AND TERRORISTS – understanding the structure and way of carrying out activities

Традиција, кривично и међународно кривично право (2024)  (стр. 178-200)

AUTHOR(S) / АУТОР(И): Dragana Petrović

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DOI: 10.46793/TKMKP24.178P


Terrorism is like an elephant at your front door,“ says author Timothy Thornton Ash, „you recognize it when you see it.“ No ideology, no visionary motivation, no goal can justify the energy that feeds this kind of evil. Modern terrorism erases all borders, all walls and consciences… In our modernity and globalization, its „value“ increases enormously, which attracts even more those who believe that this type of violence (extreme, theatrical…) will pay off. . In attempts to completely destroy the established order or its total transformation, terrorists attract the attention of the public to their goals, promote fear and an atmosphere of alarmism. Apocalyptic nihilists, planners and perpetrators of terrorist attacks offer no compromise – which can only result in one – catastrophic images of the massacre of innocent civilians, women and children. Expect reciprocity, ie. hitting one global network with another, an anti-terrorist network, is the only form of response that can provide appropriate results. Unfortunately, the international community (hypocritical, according to the „principle of double standards“) is constantly torn between recognizing the specific nature of the challenges it has been facing in recent years and insisting that its response take the form of a globalized anti-terrorist coalition. Perhaps as an answer to a bunch of questions that arise here – to expect reciprocity in this sense would mean, however, to misunderstand the essence of the challenge, because replacing violence with violence, as someone said these days, would mean „making a deal with the devil“. And maybe this kind of behavior brings us to the edge of the abyss, ruin…


 terrorism, terror, terrorists, belief system


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