АУТОР / AUTHOR(S): A-M. Domijan
, M. Gerić
, B. Žegura
, G. Gajski 
DOI: 10.46793/8FDSQ.ILB2AD
The aim of this study was to test the toxicity and mechanism of toxicity of bisphenol A (BPA) using onion (Allium cepa L.) as a test model. Onions were divided into six groups (each consisting of 10 bulbs) and exposed to BPA (1-50 mg/L) or de-water (control) for 72 h. Upon exposure to BPA, onion roots were collected, and parameters of phytotoxicity, oxidative stress, and genotoxicity were assessed. The decrease in root growth and in the mitotic index was observed already after exposure to BPA at a concentration of 1 mg/L. BPA reduced the level of glutathione and increased the activity of superoxide dismutase. Additionally, BPA increased the production of reactive oxygen species, malondialdehyde, and protein carbonyls, as well as the frequency of micronuclei and nuclear buds. Thus, BPA phytotoxicity can be linked to changes in oxido-reductive balance and genome damage. Since humans can be exposed to BPA through the food chain, BPA presence in the environment should be controlled.
This work was conducted as part of a bilateral collaboration between Slovenia and Croatia (BI-HR/18-19-003; BI-HR/20-21-031). The study received financial support from the University of Zagreb and the Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health.
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