XIV International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection – IIZS 2024, str. 458-463
АУТОР / AUTHOR(S): Dijana Vašaš Kuručev, Milica Bogdanov, Jasmina Poštin
, Sanja Stankov
, Milan Nikolić
DOI: 10.46793/IIZS24.458VK
Workplace stress is becoming one of the key issues in modern work environments due to its serious consequences on employee health and business performance. Psychosocial risks, stemming from inadequate job organization, poor communication, and excessive demands, further exacerbate working conditions, increasing stress levels among employees. European occupational health and safety directives provide a framework for mitigating these risks, but their implementation is often insufficient. This paper analyzes the key factors influencing workplace stress, with a particular focus on various industrial sectors. It concludes that multidisciplinary approaches, prevention, and holistic strategies are essential for reducing stress and preserving employees’ mental health, which directly contributes to improved organizational efficiency. Additionally, continuous education and support for employees play a vital role in reducing stress-related risks.
workplace stress, psychosocial risks, mental health
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