XIV International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection – IIZS 2024, str. 427-431
АУТОР / AUTHOR(S): Adrijana Babić, Zoran Čepić 
DOI: 10.46793/IIZS24.427B
The crude oil industry is one of the most hazardous sectors, demanding rigorous and uniform safety training. The use of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies in this domain has shown significant potential in enhancing training efficiency, reducing stress, and standardizing training processes. This paper delves into the application of VR/AR in safety training, particularly during capital overhauls in crude oil refineries when the presence of over 2000 foreign workers necessitates uniform and effective training methodologies. Emphasis is placed on how VR/AR can increase competence, manage stress, and deliver consistent training practices essential for maintaining safety standards in the high-pressure environments of refinery overhauls.
Chemical industry; AR/VR technology; Work safety
- Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs, Administration for Safety and Health at Work of Republic of Serbia, https://www.minrzs.gov.rs/sr
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