XIV International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection – IIZS 2024, str. 361-366
АУТОР / AUTHOR(S): Nada Markovic
, Nebojsa Ralevic 
DOI: 10.46793/IIZS24.361M
Abstract: In this paper, we monitored the behavior of certain congeners of PCBs in the soil near a transformer warehouse. The research was conducted based on samples collected in and around the transformer warehouse of an industrial plant in Montenegro. At this plant, a significant number of transformers were filled with oils containing PCBs. In the 1990s, part of the oil from these transformers leaked into the ground in front of the warehouse where they were located. The behavior of PCB congeners was examined in soil samples taken from a depth of 0 to 20 cm, as well as in samples from a depth of 20 to 40 cm. Additionally, we collected soil samples from three boreholes at depths of up to 20 m, all situated in the immediate vicinity of the transformer warehouse.
The aim of this work is to collect data on the concentration levels of PCBs in the soil from the industrial waste dump. This data will be compared with results from research in other countries and will investigate the behavior of specific congeners in relation to risks to the health of employees and the surrounding population. Additionally, the study will assess the impact of the waste management system on the presence of PCBs, with the goal of improving waste management practices and enhancing environmental protection. This research was conducted for the first time at an industrial waste landfill in Montenegro, utilizing modern methods of sampling and analysis.
soil, Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs),dumps, waste,landfill
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