XIV International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection – IIZS 2024, str. 342-347
АУТОР / AUTHOR(S): Milijana Keseric, Momir Tabakovic 
DOI: 10.46793/IIZS24.342K
This paper examines the potential of utilizing photovoltaic (PV) systems on noise barriers along Austrian railway lines and their possible integration into Renewable Energy Communities. In line with Austria’s climate goals to cover the entire electricity consumption from renewable sources by 2030, the study analyzes how existing infrastructures, particularly noise barriers, can be used for solar power generation without the need for additional land. The future expansion of noise barriers, projected to increase by 135 km by 2030, is also considered. Data from the Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB) and simulations are used to forecast power yields under various geographic and technical conditions. Factors such as the orientation of noise barriers, shading effects, and module efficiency are incorporated into the calculations. The PVGIS simulation tool is utilized to account for regional variations and their impact on solar energy production.
Furthermore, the study investigates how the generated energy could be integrated into existing Renewable Energy Communities to support decentralized and community-based energy supply. A case study of a Renewable Energy Community illustrates how such a concept can be implemented. The analysis also includes a scenario-based approach, evaluating potential electricity generation across different technological development pathways. Depending on the progress of PV technologies and the expansion speed of noise barriers, annual electricity production could range from 50 to 90 GWh. Limiting factors such as physical efficiency constraints and geographical limitations are also analyzed. The study emphasizes the importance of flexible solutions, such as energy storage and optimized grid integration. The results provide a foundation for assessing the potential of PV systems on noise barriers along Austrian railway lines, as well as their integration into existing infrastructures and Renewable Energy Communities, contributing to decentralized energy supply and climate targets.
Photovoltaic Systems, Renewable Energy Communities, Climate Targets, Solar Energy Integration, Sustainable Energy Solutions, Decentralized Energy Supply
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