XIV International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection – IIZS 2024, str. 286-294
АУТОР / AUTHOR(S): Držislav Vidaković
, Marijana Hadzima-Nyarko
, Laura Šoja
DOI: 10.46793/IIZS24.286V
This work represents a review of the principles and practices of circular economy in the construction sector. Construction waste is an increasing global problem, with the construction economy being the biggest consumer of raw materials. Many studies have explored the possibilities of reducing waste and recycling materials used in construction. European Union (EU) has defined the concept and goal for reducing and reusing construction waste, which member states achieve with different success. This work presents experiences in this area in Croatia and identifies the problems in practice that need to be solved in order to achieve better results.
construction waste, circular economy processes, recycled materials, practical problems
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