XIV International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection – IIZS 2024, str. 271-278
АУТОР / AUTHOR(S): Dragana Kovač
, Edit Terek Stojanović
, Mila Kavalić
, Maja Gaborov
, Melita Ćoćkalo-Hronjec
DOI: 10.46793/IIZS24.271K
Organizations that do business nowadays are more and more oriented towards doing business that does not pollute the environment. On the one hand, legal regulations oblige them to do so, on the other hand, it is an awakening of awareness about responsibility towards the environment. It is evident that the environment is highly polluted, that a large amount of waste is deposited, and that non-renewable energy sources are largely exhausted. For this reason, organizations try to adapt their business to these conditions and encourage green or ecological behavior of their employees. Through green behavior, employees in their daily activities at the workplace reduce the negative impact on the environment. In this paper, the concept of green behavior of employees is defined, the dimensions and models of green behavior of employees are presented, and some of the guidelines for improving green behavior of employees are listed.
green behavior, ecological behavior, sustainable development
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