XIV International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection – IIZS 2024, str. 191-197
АУТОР / AUTHOR(S): Čugalj Jovana
, Pekez Jasmina
, Stojanov Jelena
, Ašonja Aleksandar 
DOI: 10.46793/IIZS24.191C
The study explores the state of energy efficiency in residential buildings in the city of Zrenjanin through an analysis of a survey conducted among 662 respondents. The results indicate a prevalent issue of the inability for collective investment in the energy efficiency of communal residential buildings compared to single-family homes. By using the Chi-square test of independence, a statistically significant relationship between the type of residential property and the presence of external thermal insulation was discovered. Additionally, a moderate dependence between the age of the heating system and the need for additional heating was identified. The research’s conclusion suggests the need for subsidies to improve the energy efficiency of residential buildings, especially multi-family complexes, to achieve sustainability and reduce energy consumption in the urban environment of Zrenjanin.
energy efficiency, external thermal insulation, statistics
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