XIV International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection – IIZS 2024, str. 158-163
АУТОР / AUTHOR(S): Borivoj Novaković
, Luka Đorđević
, Ljiljana Radovanović
, Mihalj Bakator
, Milan Marković
, Stefan Ugrinov
, Mića Đurđev 
DOI: 10.46793/IIZS24.158N
The examination of the operational condition of axial piston pumps through the measurement of volumetric efficiency is a key aspect in assessing their performance and reliability. Volumetric efficiency is defined as the ratio of the actual flow rate of the pump to the theoretical flow rate and is directly influenced by internal losses due to leakage and compression. This parameter enables a detailed analysis of the condition of pump components, such as pistons, cylinder block, and valves, and indicates potential defects or the need for maintenance. The paper examines methods for measuring volumetric efficiency, as well as the impact of various operational conditions, including changes in pressure, fluid viscosity, and rotational speed. The aim of the research is to establish standards for assessing pump condition and to propose optimal methods for diagnostics and maintenance, with an emphasis on improving the durability and efficiency of axial piston pumps in various industrial applications.
Axial piston pumps, volumetric efficiency, diagnostics, hydraulic.
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