Compliance of the Legal Framework of Preschool Education and Care with the Perceived Needs of Parents: A Slovenian Perspective

Dete, Kultura, Obrazovanje (2024), str. 111-124


AUTOR / AUTHOR(S): Martina Kovačič, Tina Štemberger

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DOI: 10.46793/DKO24.06MK


: Research on the accessibility of preschool education and care is proving to be extremely important in guiding family and education policy at the level of the EU member states. The article thus focuses on the period after the end of parental leave, when the child most often transitions into one of the possible forms of organised preschool education or other forms of care. As part of the empirical study, we wanted to identify (i) which reasons influence parents’ decision to choose the collective or individual type of early childhood education and (other) care, and (ii) whether there are differences in such choice based on the level of education of the parents and the household net monthly income. The results indicate a possible necessity for greater flexibility in the legislation in relation to the needs of parents or families in providing childcare. While parents tend to choose to include a child in the so-called collective care from 1 year of age onward, as is now enabled by legislation, this option was followed by the option of partial admission into collective childcare in kindergarten from 1 year of age onward for up to 5 hours a day which is not possible under the valid legislation. Those who choose individual type of care, which is provided by the institute of the childminder, do so mainly because they believe that children in the period up to two or three years need above all security and care of one person or do not want to expose the child to diseases in kindergarten. It is also relevant to note that parents choose this option due to the nature of work responsibilities and individual childcare is more appropriate for the family.


parental leave, preschool education and care, collective care, individual care, personal supplementary work, guardian of preschool children at home.


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