АУТОР / AUTHOR(S): Đorđe Božović 
DOI: 10.46793/CSGE5.70DB
That language use and geographical space interact manifoldly with each other, is a well-known truism both in linguistics and in anthropogeography. However, the exact nature of this relationship is still largely underresearched and poorly understood. Such interdisciplinary endeavours like linguistic geography/geolinguistics or areal/spatial linguistics have remained somewhat marginal and often contested, despite wealth of research topics and innovative methodologies they bring, with a highly interdisciplinary potential.
The aim of this paper is therefore to present a methodological discussion, including an historical survey, of the main research topics, trends, and perspectives in linguistic geography understood as an inter-discipline, broadly construed at the intersection of linguistics and anthropogeography, while taking the South Slavic dialect space as the main source of data. Topics covered include toponomastics and geographical terminology, issues in dialect geography, linguistic areas, and linguistic landscapes. In particular, the paper examines the interdisciplinary perspective of geolinguistic research and its intersections with related disciplines such as historical, regional, and population geography. In addition, possible methodological innovations, such as the use of GIS, are discussed in the context of South Slavic data.
anthropogeography; linguistic geography; areal linguistics; South Slavic dialect space