АУТОР / AUTHOR(S): Mihail Bryleuski, Aliaksei Yarotau

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DOI: 10.46793/CSGE5.67MB


The Belarusian Geographical Society (BGS), which was founded in 1954 as part of the Academy of Sciences of the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic (BSSR), celebrates its 70th anniversary in 2024. The main activities of the Geographical Society of the BSSR were expeditionary research, publication of monographs, and academic manuals in various fields of geographical science, as well as organising scientific conferences and educational activities on geographical problems. Several periods exist in the development of BGS.

During the first period, the BGS was chaired by representatives of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR, leaders of scientific schools: academician I. S. Lupinovich (in 1954–1957), academician K. I. Lukashev (1957–1960), and member of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR T. S. Gorbunov (1960–1963). They combined scientific and educational activities, while being heads of the chairs at Belarusian State University (BSU). At this stage, a lot of organisational work was done to enlarge the number of members of the society. Several sections on the main directions of research were established. Discussions of monographs and textbooks were held, compilations of scientific works were published, and a geographical lecture hall began to work.

During the second stage, the Geographical Society of the BSSR was chaired by Professor V. A. Dementyev (1963–1974) and Professor V. A. Zhuchkevich (1974–1983), the heads of the BSU chairs. During this stage, an editorial-publishing department was established, and the work on the recommendation for the publication of monographs and academic manuals continued (5–10 editions per year). In 1965, the first university book on geography of Belarus was published (edited by V. A. Dementiev, N. T. Romanovsky, and S. M. Melnichuk). Three departments were established in the structure of the State Geography Department: physical geography, economical geography, ethnography, and folklore. Also four committees were established: phenology, toponymy and school geography, local history and tourism, and medical geography. In 1975, the Statute of the BSSR State Geography Centre was developed and approved. A great number of scientific conferences were held, reports of the society members on expeditions and journeys were presented, series of educational television programmes were prepared. More than 10 nature reserves and sanctuaries were founded.

During the third period of the BGS activity (1983–2000), the BGS was chaired by Professor V. S. Anoshko. A large number of monographs and academic books for universities and secondary schools were published by geographers of Belarus. Republican and international scientific conferences were held in various fields of geographical sciences. The encyclopaedia Nature of Belarus (1983–1986), the National Atlas of the Republic of Belarus (2002), and other fundamental works were published on the initiative of the BGS. Much emphasis was placed on the history of geographical research in Belarus—museums were organised and memorial boards were erected at the birthplace of Y. D. Chersky, I. I. Domeiko, A. A. Smolich, and others; scientific readings and conferences in honour of K. I. Lukashev, G. I. Goretsky, I. S. Lupinovich, V. A. Dementiev, and others became regular events. Since 1991, Republican competitions in geography have been held. The definition of the geographical centre of Belarus and Europe was initiated.

During the fourth stage, the BGS was chaired by Professor P. S. Lopukh (2000–October 2017). Since November 2017, the BGS is chaired by Associate Professor A. E. Yarotau. In the era of globalisation and increasing environmental problems, the challenges that geographers face are changing. The traditions of scientific geographical schools are being strengthened, differentiation of geographical sciences is in progress. The research fields at the intersection of sciences (geoecology, geophysics, geochemistry, geobotany) are becoming more intensive. Geoinformation technologies are being introduced in all spheres of geographical science. Instruments and equipment are being improved. Earth remote sensing data are being used more frequently. New tasks are being tackled in each field of geographical research and great attention is being paid to the introduction of new teaching technologies into the educational process.


Geographical Society; scientific research; direction of activity; nature management