АУТОР / AUTHOR(S): Daria Shatilo 
DOI: 10.46793/CSGE5.44DS
A study based the relationship between immigrant settlement and income in major European capitals using London, Paris, Madrid, and Berlin as examples. We also tried to study Moscow. The cities were selected based on the importance of immigration processes, the availability of regional statistics, and the capital’s roles in the country. These cities have attracted large numbers of immigrants, especially over the last 30 years (London and Paris earlier due to the influx of people from former colonies). The example of housing costs and income distribution shows socio-ethnic stratification. Because of the study, typologies of city districts were compiled, taking into account the share of immigrants, income levels, and housing prices, which demonstrate a greater degree of mosaic and heterogeneity of territories. For these European capitals, it was shown that the hypothesis about the connection between migrants’ income and microgeography is not always confirmed. The most difficult picture is in London and Paris. In Berlin and Madrid, sectors of migrant localization are noticeable, but there (not to mention Moscow) it is more difficult to identify their connection with income stratification. The most notable characteristic of the cities studied is the increase in the immigrants’ number and their percentage, which can reach 15–25%. This fact in itself becomes a significant element of social division. At the same time, immigration in each city has its own characteristics and diversity. Differences between immigrant groups largely determine the degree to which they are isolated or integrated into urban social space. London and Paris attract everyone: rich and poor. Traces of the city’s former division are still visible in Berlin. Madrid is home to Latin Americans with similar cultural backgrounds. And in Moscow, the influx of immigrants often provokes an increase in the cultural distance between them and local residents. The large number and immigrants’ proportion, their poor integration into the host society, and interethnic conflicts make it difficult to show tolerance and increase social and ethnic contrasts.
immigrant settlement pattern; income; housing prices; European capitals; social differentiation