АУТОР / AUTHOR(S): Marina Martynova 
DOI: 10.46793/CSGE5.331MM
This paper intends to tackle the problems of protection of traditional culture in the modern world in particular and in the nowadays Russia especially. Clearly, the cardinal changes in the process of creation of the material environment caused by technological progress transformed the role of traditional culture in the whole world. At the same time, its role as a form of ethnic consciousness remains. Therefore, traditional culture in the modern world is rather of a spiritual importance, not utilitarian. It is a form of ethnic consciousness to the same extent as art as a whole is the form of public consciousness and a guardian of aesthetic feelings of a single person and groups of people, including ethnic ones. Whether or if culture should be protected is the central question. The contemporary modern liberal tradition strongly rejects the idea of preserving what makes people unique while accepting and supporting the preservation of what unites us all. Can universalism and cultural plurality coexist harmoniously? We maintain that these two can be understood in their oneness and as two opposites of the Hegelian dialectic. We are witnesses that throughout the world, there are many changes, uniqueness, and standardization of civilized, scientific, and technical innovations. Continuous and most important symbols of ethnic identity are maintained in this way. They are also kept and they stay as a paragon, reference, and inspirational source that provide national values and reveal them.
traditions; identity; heritage; culture; Russia
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