АУТОР / AUTHOR(S): Yuri Mazurov 
DOI: 10.46793/CSGE5.317YM
The report examines the phenomenon of Russia’s historical heritage as a factor in maintaining authenticity and ensuring the successful development of the country. The heritage concept refers to particularly valuable objects and environmental phenomena that reflect the history of nature and society and their natural and cultural diversity. Heritage is the most intimate area of human existence. They turn to their spiritual heritage in the most difficult and tragic moments of their history. This was the case in Russia during the “time of troubles” at the beginning of the 17th century, during the Napoleonic invasion of 1812, and during the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945. The people of Russia associate the recovery from the crisis of the post-Soviet period with the legacy of their great past. However, recently, there have been increasingly frequent disruptions in the manifestation of the desire of countries and peoples to preserve their heritage—this, in a way, is the instinct for self-preservation of man as a species. Threats to heritage exist in open and hidden forms, and the number and severity of their manifestations are constantly and almost everywhere increasing. At the same time, the spiritual traditions of the people of Russia do not allow us to come to terms with the inevitability of threats. They force us to counter this dangerous process with persistent, creative work to save the heritage and ensure its reliable future. A significant part of this work and the ever-increasing responsibility for preserving heritage falls on geography—the science of the spatial organization of social life, unthinkable in our time without heritage. The mission of geography is, first of all, to disseminate, through this science, the ideology of heritage as an indispensable factor in sustainable development. Heritage as a geographical phenomenon is fully inherent in Russia, which is characterized by its own special forms of organizing natural and cultural heritage, as well as its study and management. This paper describes these forms, identifies current problems in heritage management, and discusses approaches to solving them.
historical heritage; threats to heritage; Russian heritage; mission of geography in preserving heritage
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