АУТОР / AUTHOR(S): Željka Šiljković , Dražen Perica
DOI: 10.46793/CSGE5.303ZS
Geography is often classified as a natural science, but less frequently as an interdisciplinary one, and it is rarely connected to art. However, as one of the pillars of science, alongside mathematics and philosophy, geography has broken through the narrow confines imposed on it by the natural development of science, scientific disciplines, and especially technological and methodological tools. Through numerous works of art, in painting, music, and literature, the geographical space is reflected with all its physical elements, as well as its social and economic realities. Geographical space has always inspired painters, whether in Renaissance, Romanticism, Impressionism, Realism, Neorealism, or Modernism.
landscape painting; art and science; geography of art; geohumanities; Sava Šumanović
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