АУТОР / AUTHOR(S): Goran Mutabdžija

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DOI: 10.46793/CSGE5.291GM


This paper provides a methodological framework for the synthesis of geographical thinking during the century-long period of modern, which began with the introduction of regular university geography classes in the 1870s and ended with the announcement of the spatial turn in the social sciences in the 1970s. To offer an original solution in the field of research on contemporary geographical thinking, the author started from the analysis of reference works in this field. Based on the characteristics of the philosophy of basic geographical approaches (empiricist, positivist, humanist, and structuralist), the author singled out three dominant concepts: historical-geographical, philosophical-geographical, and political-geographical. Based on these examples and theoretically based on classification of scientific thinking, the author offered a post-structuralist account of the history of geographical thinking. It is based on two assumptions, that there was a strong reception of key ideas from other scientific disciplines (philosophy, social theory, and regional economy) and that geophilosophy can serve as a kind of amalgam that will offer a post-structuralist framework for presenting contemporary geographical thinking. Since a mere presentation of the historical development of modern geography would to a significant extent represent only a bibliographic-encyclopaedic presentation of the development of certain approaches (positivist, humanist, and structuralist), the author combined an evolutionary-historical presentation (analytical method) with an idiographic and nomothetic approach. Thus, a theoretical framework was created which will give this research a synthetic character and which will be applied to socio-geographical studies of the contemporary history of Sarajevo from the point of view of behavioural geography.


geophilosophy; modern; philosophy of geography; geographic axes; spatial thinking


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