АУТОР / AUTHOR(S): Natallia Hahina
, Iryna Shchasnaya
, Galina Martsinkevich
DOI: 10.46793/CSGE5.26NH
The initial stage of studying the landscapes of Belarus was marked by the works of the well-known geographer, Professor A. A. Smolich (1925). The foundation and development of landscape research in the country took place at the Belarusian State University at the Department of Physical Geography (1934), which was renamed the Department of Physical Geography of the USSR (1961), and later became the Department of Geographical Ecology (since 1999).
The development of landscape research in Belarus can be divided into several stages: 1) the publication of the first scientific works describing the geomorphological features of natural systems in Belarus (1920s–1930s); 2) the organization of initial research into the morphological structure of landscapes and the development of methods for their mapping (1950s); 3) the identification of patterns in the formation and spatial distribution of landscapes for their classification, and the organization, under the guidance of Professor V.A. Dementyev, of expeditions involving faculty members and students from the geography department, which collected data over 10 years in key areas with diverse landscape conditions (1960s–1970s); 4) the establishment of a scientific school of landscape research (1974); 5) the systematization of collected materials, development of structural-genetic classification of landscapes (1980s), with publication of the first landscape map of Belarus at a scale of 1:600,000, initiation of studies on anthropogenic landscapes, development of methods for their mapping and classification, and publication of scientific monographs “Anthropogenic Landscapes of Belarus and Bulgaria” (1983) and “Landscapes of Belarus” (1989); 6) the formation of anthropogenic landscape studies (1990s); 7) the integration of landscape and environmental research, studying problems related to anthropogenic transformation of landscapes (2000s–2010s); and 8) the enhancement of the environmental and geo-information component of landscape research, including mapping and environmental assessment of urban landscapes of Minsk, several industrial and small towns, conducting large-scale GIS mapping of national parks, and research on the formation characteristics of cultural landscapes in Belarus (2020s).
natural landscape; anthropogenic landscape; mapping; classification; environmental