АУТОР / AUTHOR(S): Svetlana G. Maximova
, Daria A. Omelchenko
, Maxim B. Maximov 
DOI: 10.46793/CSGE5.18SM
Climate change issues are integral part of living for population in intra-continental regions of Eurasia, including highland regions of Altai. Elaboration of effective mechanisms of adaptation of population, and models, reflecting interdependence and mutual influence of climate and human behavior, is based on glaciological measurements and sociological analysis of subjective evaluations and opinions about climate, conducted in 2022–2024 in three regions of the Altai Mountain country (Republic of Tyva, Republic of Altai, and Altai Krai, n = 1,345). Comparison of the parameters of nature management, socio-economic indicators, peculiarities of landscape organization, and climatic changes concerning glacier melting allowed to identify seven types of settlements. Further analysis tested hypotheses on interdependence between dominant types of landscapes, climate risks, demographic, socio-economic conditions, perception of climate and weather, and behavioral strategies in the sphere of adaptation towards climate-induced changes in nature and economic life. Based on the results of the study, models of adaptation of the population living in different types of landscape structures of the Altai mountainous country were built by means of structural equation modeling methods. The research mostly covered regions with outsider socio-economic positions, low standards of living, undeveloped social and cultural infrastructure, low availability of labor and social services, high rates of ageing and migration (especially in Altai Krai), alcoholization and crime (Republic of Tyva). The urgency of climate change is more often recognized in the Altai Republic. Residents note significant changes occurring in different seasons, with the amplitude being almost equally high in both cold and warm periods. The population of the internal Altai regions has differentiated ideas about climate, determined by the characteristics of the landscape and proximity to the zone of melting glaciers and permafrost. Some negative phenomena associated with precipitation, floods, changes in temperature regimes, including negative impacts on nature use and public health, are already clearly felt, but not yet perceived as catastrophic. The research articulates a need for developing effective climate adaptation programs taking into account not only landscape features of specific locations, but also public awareness and ethnic peculiarities of population, their social vulnerabilities, and decreasing adaptive resources.
climate change; models; adaptation; Altai Mountain country