, Rui Yan
, Shaohong Wu 
DOI: 10.46793/CSGE5.16LL
Floods are among the most common natural disasters worldwide and cause significant losses under climate change. Advanced flood loss assessment helps to improve flood prevention and relief systems. The vulnerability curve is one of the main methods for flood loss risk assessment. However, existing vulnerability curves are mostly established on a large spatial scale, ignoring the intraregional difference in vulnerability. This study aims to quantify the spatial heterogeneity of vulnerability within the region and to clarify the impact and changes of vulnerability on flood loss. Choosing Hubei and Hunan Provinces in China as study areas, this study built vulnerability curves using the mixed-effects model. Then, vulnerability curves and flood intensities under different return periods were combined to assess flood losses. The impacts of vulnerability and flood intensity on flood losses were also analyzed. The results show that 1) the mixed-effects model can be employed to construct separate vulnerability curves for smaller-scale administrative units (cities) while assessing the overall vulnerability of the study area, and the results are more accurate, with R2 values above 0.75, 2) With the increasing return period, the differences in loss rates between cities increase, and 3) Vulnerability difference between cities is the dominant factor influencing flood losses of cities with low return periods. However, with the increasing return period, the difference in hazard intensity between cities exerts a greater impact on city flood losses. This study provides methods and suggestions for systematic flood risk reduction and climate resilience construction path proposal.
disaster loss; vulnerability; flood hazard intensity; spatial heterogeneity; mixed-effects model