Наслеђе 58 (2024) [319-327]
АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): Joanna Sliwa
DOI: 10.46793/NasKg2458.319S
How does a focus on Jewish children expand our under- standing of the Holocaust? The case study of Kraków, Poland, explores how Jewish children lived, were persecuted, and strug- gled to survive in a medium-sized city that held particular importance for the German authorities. In this way, the article responds to some of the turns in Holocaust Studies on the role of space and place, age, agency, and social networks. The story of George (Jerzy) Hoffman, a child Holocaust survivor, guides the discussion. However, the research for the article is based on the recollections and experiences of Jewish child survivors who lived through the Holocaust in Kraków, Poland, and who relayed their histories in several hundred written and oral testi- monies, diaries, and memoirs.
Kraków, Poland, Holocaust, Jewish children, testimonies, survival strategies, cinematic art/film sources
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